Saturday, September 16, 2023

The Role Of ' Ngadongeng ' In Sundanese Parenting

Sundanese culture, deeply rooted in the western part of Java, Indonesia, is known for its rich traditions and distinctive way of life. Among these traditions, "Ngadongeng" stands out as a unique and time-honored practice that plays a crucial role in Sundanese parenting. In this article, we will explore the significance of Ngadongeng in shaping the upbringing of Sundanese children, its cultural importance, and how it continues to thrive in the modern world.

The Role Of ' Ngadongeng ' In Sundanese Parenting

I. Understanding Ngadongeng

At its core, Ngadongeng is a traditional form of storytelling, an art passed down through generations. It involves the oral transmission of folklore, legends, and moral tales from older generations to the younger ones. Ngadongeng sessions are often held in the evening, creating a sense of togetherness among family members as they gather around.

II. Preservation of Culture

Transmitting Values and Morality:

Ngadongeng serves as a conduit for imparting moral values and life lessons to children. Through these captivating stories, children learn about good and evil, kindness, bravery, and the consequences of their actions. These moral lessons shape their character and guide their behavior.

Cultural Heritage:

Sundanese folklore is a treasure trove of myths, legends, and historical tales. Ngadongeng plays a pivotal role in preserving this cultural heritage. As elders recount these stories, they not only pass on their cultural knowledge but also instill a sense of pride in the younger generation about their Sundanese identity.

III. Bonding and Communication

Family Bonding:

Ngadongeng provides an opportunity for family members to come together. As children listen with rapt attention to the storyteller, it strengthens the familial bond. This shared experience creates lasting memories and fosters a sense of belonging within the family unit.

Language and Communication:

Sundanese is the primary language used in Ngadongeng sessions. By exposing children to their native tongue through storytelling, Ngadongeng plays a pivotal role in preserving the Sundanese language. It ensures that the younger generation remains proficient in their mother tongue, which is essential for maintaining cultural continuity.

IV. Developing Imagination and Critical Thinking

Stimulating Creativity:

Ngadongeng encourages children to use their imagination to picture the vivid landscapes, heroes, and villains described in the stories. This creative exercise nurtures their imaginative faculties and helps them think outside the box.

Critical Thinking:

Many Sundanese tales feature complex characters and moral dilemmas. As children engage with these narratives, they are encouraged to think critically, analyze situations, and make ethical judgments. This intellectual aspect of Ngadongeng contributes to the holistic development of the child.

V. Adaptation in the Modern World

In a rapidly changing world influenced by technology and globalization, Ngadongeng has faced challenges in maintaining its relevance. However, it has adapted to these changes by embracing modern mediums such as books, audio recordings, and even online platforms. These adaptations have allowed Ngadongeng to reach a wider audience and bridge the gap between tradition and modernity.

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The role of Ngadongeng in Sundanese parenting is profound and multi-faceted. It serves as a vessel for cultural preservation, a means of family bonding, a tool for language preservation, and a platform for fostering imagination and critical thinking. As Sundanese families continue to value their heritage, Ngadongeng remains a cherished practice that ensures the transmission of values and traditions from one generation to the next. In an ever-changing world, Ngadongeng is a testament to the enduring power of storytelling and its vital role in shaping the identity of a people.

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